How to apply
Application Procedure
Registry Time Period
Four-year bachelors:
Register before each June 30th
Register beforeeach June 30th
Long term Chineselearners:
Register beforeeach January 15th, with the newsemester from March to July orregister before July 15th with the newsemester from September toJanuary.
Short term Chineselearners: negotiable
Application Procedures
1 Request EntranceApplication Form for InternationalStudents from School of InternationalEducation of BUCEA (can be downloaded fromthe website)
2 Fill in theabove forms and Email or send application formand registry fee to the Schoolof International Education within the requiredtime limit.
3 Get Visa Application for Study in China (JW 202form) andAdmission Notice after the university’s check and examination.
4 With Visa Application for study in China apply for Xvisaand F visa to Chinese embassies.
5 with Admission Notice and (JW 202 form), register intheSchool of International Education of BUCEA.
Note: Those who are below 18 years old are required to supply your Guardian Certificate authorized by the local China embassy.